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BG2V advised Vulcain and its managers in structuring the LBO Ter of the Vulcain group.

BNP Paribas Développement acquired a 27% stake in this transaction, taking over from Siparex, which had accompanied Vulcain for 12 years. Majority control, i.e. around 52%, remains in the hands of the Comte family, via the Sartorius holding company, headed by Romain Comte. The remainder is held by a group of senior executives, led by Vulcain CEO Fabien Coquart.

This transaction values Vulcain at close to €30 million, i.e. around 8 times its 2023 EBITDA of nearly €3.5 million.

This transaction marks a turning point for the Paris-based company specializing in the design, production and installation of structures combining metal and glass.

The BG2V team comprised :

for M&A transactional aspects: Stanislas Richoillez, partner, Mathilde Spagnol, associate, and Benjamin Leroy, associate ;

for tax matters: Jean-Sébastien Dumont, partner, and Anaïs Grolier, associate.
Through this transaction, BG2V once again confirms its expertise in providing legal support to companies, and in particular family businesses, in their complex M&A operations.

Press release